Founded in London in 2012, the ICU emerged as a vocational university. As a school for Professional and Executive Coaching, it addressed the teaching of Coaching with a base established on an international platform of research and knowledge.
Currently present in 13 countries, the ICU’s mission is to provide its students with benchmark teaching, which is unique in its knowledge and practice of Coaching.
Our crest represents excellence with its double circle, in a nod to the Maieutic process (“giving birth”) as the origin of the client’s “Elenkos” or questioning in the search for goals (the top part of the logo). Finally, Praxis (practice), based on the representation of the client, who is the centre of the entire process, towards achieving the client’s established life objectives.

:: To become an active entity within the professionalization of Coaching
:: To promote the organisation and communication of international events to create a professional community of Teachers, Certified Coaches and Students, that are aligned with the shared principles and models
:: To forge partnerships and synergies with international partners and organisations.
:: Offer an integral and innovative education, in accordance with the most recent developments and methodologies in Coaching
:: Create quality models for teaching and promotion of ICU competencies and methodologies
:: Achieve global recognition, providing an educational offer that respects different cultures, with a unique identity and approach.
:: Contribute to the research, development and knowledge of best practices in Coaching
:: Establish a network of contacts, synergies and international partnerships with the aim of developing and consolidating current approaches and tools, as well as new possibilities for the application of Coaching for new communities, areas and contexts.